Dr John Waters
John helps leaders to create robust strategic plans that are successfully implemented by their teams. His expertise in management of technology, marketing new products, and strategic planning is gained from a distinguished career as practitioner, teacher, researcher, consultant, and senior manager.
John held senior positions with 3M Australia before teaching post-graduate courses in the management of innovation and business creation strategies at the University of Sydney and Macquarie Graduate School of Management. He has also consulted to large organisations in the steel, electricity supply, and defence electronic industries.
His qualifications include undergraduate degrees in engineering and psychology, and post-graduate research degrees in psychology and management. He is a certified practitioner of Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory, and he has researched areas such as decision-making in turbulent environments, and the roles of knowledge and commitment in innovation.
John is inherently curious and enjoys helping clients flesh out their strategic thinking and then bring their strategy to life.